Children’s Baking Binder

There are lots of lovely children’s cooking books on the market but everyone has there own selection of favourite recipes don’t they? Whenever I buy a cook book I inevitably only cook a few things out of it and the remainder goes unread. I have kept a binder of printed recipes and pages out of magazines for myself for several years and decided to make one for my daughter Emily. I thought I would share how I did it & if your child is old enough they would have great fun joining in.

All you need is a binder with a sleeve on the front, some colourful dividers and some pens.

I searched through my photos for a suitable picture for the front of the binder and used a word document to add text:

I labelled the dividers and drew colourful pictures for each section. We then started adding some of our favourite recipes πŸ˜‹

Emily loves the recipes off cbeebies ‘I Can Cook’ so we have printed these out and added them to her folder. Here are some other places we found some favourite recipes:


I hope you enjoy making your own binder!

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