So everyone knows that a cardboard box is the best toy a child could get right?! Well check out these awesome creations that are guaranteed to result in hours of creative play. Not only does the finished product create hours of fun, but the joy is also in the making!
I loved making and decorating this ice cream van & my daughter Emily had hours of fun playing with it. It was made using two cardboard boxes. One for the base with a small door cut out for access and another slotted on top for the roof. There are loads of great printouts online for the menus or you could draw your own! We put a small chair and a toy till inside & found all the summer plastic toys that come in childrens magazines came in useful!
My obsession with icecream vans clearly started earlier as I made this for our wedding card box several years earlier…
As many did during the recent lock down due to Covid-19 we started to get local deliveries of fresh fruit & veg. We collected the cardboard crates they came in and my daughter Emily came up with the idea of a rainbow unicorn boat & a dragon boat for my son Frankie. So we spent a whole afternoon creating her vision!
This is definitely one of my favourite things to do with the kids! Maybe its because it takes me back to that feeling of excitement when a large cardboard box arrived in the house, my Dad would cut a door out & hey presto, best toy ever!
I’ve seen some awesome inspiration on pinterest & would love to see your cardboard creations!